Child Development Resources 

We provide educational resources about fetal development and child development. 

Milestones of an unborn baby by just 12 weeks!
18-21 Days
6 Weeks
8 Weeks
9-12 Weeks
12 Weeks
18-21 Days

A baby’s heart beats at 18-21 days.

6 Weeks

At 6 weeks the heartbeat is steady at around 110 beats per minute.

8 Weeks

At 8 weeks all organs are in place.

9-12 Weeks

At 9-12 weeks a baby can squint, swallow, hiccup, and suck his/her thumb.

12 Weeks

By the 12th week a baby has fingerprints, kicks, is sensitive to heat, touch, noise, and all body systems are working.

A baby at 12 weeks is 2 ½ -3 inches long and can sit in the palm of your hand.