Critical Things to Know Before Scheduling an Abortion

At Whittier Pregnancy Center, we know it’s your life that will be impacted by the decision you make about your pregnancy. So, before you pay someone to perform an abortion, it is your right to know all of your options and have all of the information you need to make an educated, and safe, decision. While for-profit clinics and hospitals are often driven more by money than concern for the patient, we exist solely because we care about you, without making a profit.

Our knowledgeable, compassionate staff are committed to thoroughly and honestly sharing the information you need to make an informed decision, including answering these three critical questions before scheduling an abortion.

Do You Have an Ectopic Pregnancy?

How Far Along Are You?

The gestational age of the fetus, or number of weeks since conception, is a key factor in determining the type of abortion you will receive, as well as its cost. Even though many women have a general idea of the date of their last period, the exact time the pregnancy began is an estimation. An ultrasound is the only way to definitively identify the true age and size of the fetus. In fact, without it, you could be offered the wrong type of abortion. A chemical abortion (the abortion pill), for example, could be recommended when you are actually past the 10-week window for that procedure’s safety or effectiveness. For this reason, a tele-medicine consultation is insufficient, as it cannot provide proof of pregnancy, proof of gestational age, or proof of a viable pregnancy, potentially putting you at risk. At Whittier Pregnancy Center, we personally provide all of this information at no cost to you.

Do You Have an STI?

You may wonder what having an STD has to do with getting an abortion, but it is extremely important. If you have an STD, especially one of the two most common, chlamydia or gonorrhea, and aren’t treated before having an abortion, your risk of developing Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) increases by 23% if the cervical infection is forced up into the uterus during the medical procedure25. PID increases your chances of having a future ectopic pregnancy, can decrease fertility, and can cause life-long pelvic inflammation and pain26. Testing is especially important because these STDs can be present without any symptoms. Other STDs, such as cervical syphilis27, HIV/AIDS28, and Human PapillomaVirus (HPV)29, also need to be tested for early in pregnancy, regardless of your pregnancy intentions, as they can pose significant risks to your health.

The majority of abortion facilities do not test for STDs prior to performing an abortion procedure. If they do, they charge an additional fee. At Whittier Pregnancy Center, we can confidentially have you tested and treated for these STDs at no charge. Results of STD testing are usually available within one week.

Get a Referral for Your Pre-abortion Screening

At Whittier Pregnancy Center, we are here to give you the answers to these three critical questions before undergoing an abortion. Our no-cost pre-abortion screening referrals include a pregnancy test, an ultrasound and STD testing all performed by a licensed medical professional. Call us at 562-693-8803 or schedule your appointment today – so we can provide you with the refer.


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